Friday, July 18, 2008

It's Friday...Not Saturday

I've decided not to write any more in the paper journal.
Mostly because it is building this monster callous on my hand. Also because I need to stop attempting to make every day some sort of landmark. As it is to my sobriety, every 24 hours is definitely something to be happy about, but otherwise...It's another 24 hours.

I'll continue to use that book for landmarks like my 60 days, 90, 6months, so on...

Woke up today with a runny nose, sorta out of nowhere. I'm seriously not trying to be sick, cold's suck and thats the last thing I want right now. All I did yesterday was sit outside and work on that beach cruiser. I think its going to be bright orange. I worked so long on it that I forgot to eat. It's 10:23 and I'm bout to jump back on it, gotta finish sanding the paint off the main frame so I can prime it. I'll post some pictures when I get them taken.

It's no doubt I've got step one. I am truly powerless. I know damn well that if I slip for even one sip I am doomed. I know how my mind is and if I start cutting corners even in daydreams, it won't be long before I'm rationalizing. Went out with Kevin last night after some Sushi and stopped in the usual watering holes with no desire whatsoever. I met that tattoo artist I was thinking about asking to sponsor me, looks like it might be a go. 

Today, I plan on making it to a meeting. I plan to talk to other alcoholics, and I plan on reading some literature. In the meantime I plan on "praying" in the sense that I do. I am excited about the job potentials. I may soon be working at Banana Republic? Hey, I get discounts on Blazers...

I am also working on a music video Saturday. Should be a cool experience and maybe some good money in the future. It should be interesting driving the jeep out onto Carolina Beach with a 300 pound generator in the back. Good day Blog.

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